Letting Go of the Binary

Executive Summary: Letting Go of the Binary

Letting Go of the Binary: Comparing Categorical and Continuous Measure of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality


Jennifer S. Bryan, Ph.D.
Joseph D. Mangine, Ph.D.

This Executive Summary outlines the (1) methods, (2) results, (3) conclusions and (4) implications of two studies of sex, gender, and sexuality undertaken by Team Finch Consultants (TFC). Building on a model originally called the Diagram of Sex and Gender, TFC developed a more inclusive schema called the New Diagram of Sex, Gender and Sexuality (NDSGS, Bryan and Barr, 2015; see final page). TFC adapted the NDSGS to use as a measure and administered it to two different demographic groups, analyzed the data, and presented the results. The paper Letting Go of the Binary: Comparing Categorical and Continuous Measures of Sex, Gender, and Sexuality (Bryan, J, Barr, S, Overtree, C, & Mangine, J., 2016) is being submitted for publication in its entirety and is available from the first author.